Burnt Out – Already

You may have read about my BC trip, which ended last Monday around 9:45 PM.
Guess the “wish I were still there” feeling is symptomatic of a good vacation, for which I’m grateful and happy.
But less than a week later, I’m back to the same pre-holiday stress mode.

Development projects are fine, although as is typical, we discovered a “bad data” issue that has thrown a wrench into one of my applications. I’m waiting for feedback from the customer so that I can write a proper defense.
There was a semi-ugly incident on the road yesterday, which is all too frequent on Cape Cod – a nasty young female driver filled with hubris and self-entitlement, and the least said about it, the better.
I’ve been working on getting the .NET User Group off the ground, and switched hosting companies, which is a big adjustment. Deploying ASP.NET apps is a little tricky, and I ran into a snag this morning. Am waiting to hear from Tech Support on the site config.
A legal matter that was pending when I left is still very much on the front burner. My attorney attempted a final negotiation before we proceed and was unable to get resolution.
I did attend a very nice, beautifully done, St. Pat’s party last night at a neighbor’s house. Unfortunately, by 8:30, the noise volume was so high that I, literally, could no longer hear conversations, and ended up leaving earlier than I would have liked.
The good news is I snagged a soda bread recipe which I’ve wanted for over a year. The secret ingredients are sour cream and honey.
Emmeline and I fit in about 24 hours worth of good, quality time, including yesterday’s peace march in Hyannis, and a brief (cold) walk on the beach, at which time we admired a number of beautiful kites.
Of the 3 grandkids, I enjoy her visits the most, because she’s easy to entertain, not fussy about eating or going to bed, and we like a lot of the same things.
What else? I’ve been trying to catch up with the mundane, like the weekly dump run, laundry and correspondence.
Today I’ll be brunching with two of my galpals, our tradition during each other’s birthday months.
The national news, of course, has been depressing, enough to take anyone down even after the best vacation.
And I failed to win the BC Super 7 lottery.