New Year’s Day

A good New Year’s Day with the family, all of us.

Ron and I attended the New Year’s Day parade and blessing in Woods Hole, then a quick drive to Monomoscoy.

Peter, Bonnie and the grands came over for brunch: bagels, bacon, fish and crab cakes, ham, carrot/zucchini fritters, dessert.  The kids made their traditional New Year’s Shirley Temples.

In the evening, Ron and I watched the depressing “Pelle the Conqueror”.

I ended the day with an invocation against the Evil Eye.  It upset Ron because I returned him symbolically to Melody, who he has described as flawless in every respect and thus, I believe to be more deserving of him than I am with all of my many physical and mental faults and limitations.  I am very afraid of her, of Berkeley’s pull on my husband and of mal occio.  I want only the best for Ron and to protect him from the evil that’s dogged me since the day I was conceived.

Keyn aynhoreh!