Boston was hit pretty hard yesterday, with snow accumulations of up to 19 inches.
We had about 5 inches total: fortunate because it was the wet, heavy stuff. Peter is lucky to have a snow blower. I am lucky to have Ron’s help.
We got through a few errands, including the transfer station run, and in the process, I managed to lose my house keys. Still have some places to check. We’d just had a duplicate set made for Ron, so it could have been worse. I’ve lost a pile of loyalty cards, though, and the only working key to the shed.
Busy day anticipated today: meeting with attorney Russell to discuss will, deed, etc., hoping to stop off at the DUA office next door, and have some calls to make.
If it’s not too cold, we promised to take James and the Robbinses sledding. We dropped off James’ tube and the air pump yesterday afternoon.