Lizzie barked early this morning, 4:30 am. Ron got up to check her out. Turns out, she’d wet her bed in the living room.
Forgoing Hyannis, I picked up mulch from Ace in Mashpee that worked just as well. Also food for Lizzie and peanut butter for us from Roche. Filled up at Stop & Shop, saved $9.
We did a lot of yardwork yesterday. Ron mowed and I did more weeding and raking. Finished one garden with straw. Hurting last night but got to sleep without pain meds. Woke up around 9:30 pm to bring in tools and button down the tonneau cover; Ron helped. Just as well: it did rain a little this morning.
Washer repair person will be here on Saturday morning. Appointment made for phone call with HSC Claims next Thursday.
Guessed wrong on the paint, will try again today.