
Attended a so-so Makers meeting last night. Ron wasn’t feeling well so I left early. He was fast asleep by the time I got home and was fine this morning.

I transplanted the roses from the oval to the left side of the garden. One wasn’t very healthy but the other looks like it might be okay. Fingers crossed.

Did weeding and deadheading today, especially in the front. Cleaned out the hummingbird feeder and a few other things I can’t remember.

Ron and I enjoyed watching an osprey sitting in one of our trees.

I did some research yesterday and confirmed that we are not in a flood zone.

Got an unexpected one-time-only payment from Social Security. Sort of miraculous, especially with a big electric bill due next week.

A recruiter lost his s*t with me on the phone today and Ron laid him out in lavender. It’s so nice to have a man around the house.

Good Weather

Great weather today, not too hot and not at all humid.

Ron picked Emme up from work so I could attend a Master Gardener garden talk. We did the trash run earlier in the afternoon and the yard debris run in the morning. Both of us attended O-F Steering meeting. Green and fruit salads and House Special fried rice for supper.
















I worked on the SPEA website this weekend. Found some substantial content on the town website, of all places: bylaws, some very cool maps, 2013 home sales.

We mowed crabgrass here today: I did the front and the left side and Ron did the back and the right. All Cape was closed so I’ll be hauling a truckload of yard debris tomorrow morning. Ron’s been watering like mad. Very little rain this past week. Nice day today, though.


Our kind and muscular neighbors shoved the hutch in the living room to a more logical spot.

Thank goodness!

Ron and I shared Emme transport duty yesterday. I was feeling dissociated and more than a bit disconcerted in the afternoon, not sure why but felt better after taking a couple aspirin and some high quality protein.

We’ve been enjoying “Orange Is the New Black” on Netflix.

An answer to the Eastham Chamber of Commerce member who loves tourism

Better than 90% of Eastham’s income is derived from tourism? Sounds like a made-up number to me. How can anyone afford a house there (average price over half a million) working in a minimum wage industry like tourism?

Tourism upsets the Cape Cod lebenshaltung in more ways than economic. It rewards a least-common-denominator aesthetic, wealth devoid of social concern, superficial prettiness, conformity. It undermines the bohemian, eccentric, artistic yet flinty Yankee character that made this area so beloved to so many.