
I’ve been having great, colorful dreams lately. It’s almost a shame to wake up.

I meet interesting people and go to places that have a high aesthetic.

Last night, I dreamed about a semi-estranged married couple.
I met them separately and took a liking to them individually, and they to me.

She was a New Age-type artist and intellectual, he did something with software which I don’t remember. They were both tall, thin, good-looking, charismatic people.

She asked me how old I was (64), so I wasn’t envisioning myself as a young person.

They chose to live in Rhode Island because it supported the lifestyle they wanted, which included a boat, and it was affordable. The town that was mentioned, though, Cumberland*, is about as inland as you can get in the Ocean State.

My interesting dreams take place in cities or at least in densely populated areas. According to dream interpretation, a busy city means riches. I was riding on a bus, also a good symbol; it means you are travelling to obtain your heart’s desire.

*There are other Cumberlands that are on the ocean, in PEI, Maine, Georgia.

And What Did We Do Today?

Cleaned up the bathroom, in particular Fluffles’ litter box, which was disgusting. Brought James to Super Cuts; the stylist did a great job. Did laundry. Brought James and Tyler to Sea Mist for swimming and a cookout (2 hours). Cleaned the trash can of maggots, washed out a bunch of pots and brought a small load of trash and recyclables to the transfer station. Made lunch.
Doesn’t sound like much, but stick a fork in me, it’s after 9 PM.