Intent on Suicide

Given their apparent choice of nominees, it’s not just the Democratic and Republican parties who seem intent on self-destruction, but the Libertarians as well.
I mean, really: Bob Barr?
For one thing, the creepy, mustachioed Barr looks like a cross between a race track tout and the standard issue villain in a Victorian melodrama.
Worse, the anti-Choice Barr has about as non-Libertarian a political past as one could conjure, having been a co-sponsor of the Defense of Marriage Act, opposed to medical marijuana, and a supporter of the Patriot Act.
Gun control is about the only other major issue on which he could have been more offensive to Libertarians and conservative Republicans, and the fact that he was one of the mad dogs who championed the trumped-up impeachment of Bill Clinton should be enough to turn off any moderate Democrats who might have otherwise been interested in the LP.
It’s looking more and more like the only viable choice for some of us is to write in Ron Paul this November.