Visual Studio Nonsense

This works: CodeBehind=”~/Schedule2016.aspx.cs”
This doesn’t: CodeBehind=”Schedule2016.aspx.cs”

From “Tortures of the Damned”:

This option is no longer available in VS2013, but you can accomplish the same thing by selecting your project in the Solution Explorer, then going to the Project option on the Menu Bar. Near the bottom you will see the Convert to Web Application option. This will generate designer files for all the *.aspx pages in your project that don’t have them, but be aware that this may not be what you want if you have a mix of CodeFile *.aspx pages and CodeBehind files. This will also convert CodeFile pages to CodeBehind files. (Courtesy Joisey Mike)

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edited Sep 28 ’15 at 12:50

answered Feb 22 ’11 at 8:05
