James and the Electric Cart

I’ve been having trouble with my right leg, and yesterday managed to tear or pop something in the knee, so I bought myself a cane.
I’d promised to do two errands: pick up James from his after-school club and do a little shopping at Roche Brothers, which is having a big sale on about a dozen different types of poultry and meat.
As I was hobbling in to the store, one of the staff asked if I’d like to use an electric shopping cart.
This turned out to be a lot of fun, so much so that when I got out to fight the crowd at the meat case, James decided he was going to be the driver by default, and me the passenger.
Amazingly, no one seemed to mind, maybe because he did an excellent job, even driving the cart through the checkout. Must be all that practice with video games.
It was incredibly cool that a mundane chore turned into a few minutes of real entertainment, both for us and, so it seemed, for the people watching us. The only bad part was having to leave the cart behind.