
It is an ugly and distasteful spectacle, watching Mitt Romney, who was born with so much, build his intended Presidential campaign on the backs of people who face discrimination for handicaps that are not their fault.
That’s beside the fact that Matt’s preoccupation – nay, obsession – with the private sex lives of monogomous, consenting adults makes my skin crawl.

I don’t want some politican on the make to constantly shove implications about the various -odomies that take place in P-Town and Truro in my face.
More importantly, I resent that Matt’s exercise in self-aggrandisement uses the same Rovian pull a fast one on a gullible public technique that gave us George W. Bush.
Mitt can’t possibly be considered a bona fide candidate for national office, not with big guns like Rudy Guiliani and John McCain in the race. If he seriously wants to be the Conservative spokesperson for his party, then let him tackle budget deficits and federal corruption – issues that have a direct impact on the rest of us.
During his term of office as Massachusetts governor, Mitt Romney proved himself to be ineffective and disloyal. Whether we like her or not, Kerry Healey should have won the governorship in a walk, and she would have if Mitt had postponed his own political ambitions by just a few short months, or shared the spotlight with her once he decided not to run for re-election.
The recently reported 6-figure sick time payouts at Massport and the hiring of Bechtel to evaluate their own shoddy workmanship happened on Mitt’s watch and were reported by people outside his administration.
Since he can’t claim to have kept his eye on the ball as the state’s chief executive officer, Mitt chooses to create phoney photo ops (“Mission Accomplished”?) while setting up phoney straw men.
Further, building a Presidential campaign based on discrimination against people who live a lifestyle outside the norm due to biology or childhood trauma is reminiscent of another now-discredited famous Republican: Strom Thurmond.
One wonders what role model Mitt will choose to emulate next – Richard Nixon?