Gardener’s Diary

I broke off a beautiful Delphinium today, but will plant the roots anyway.

Finished bracing the Foxglove in the front.

Stella d’Oros have started blooming. Beautiful, love them.

Everything is so dry. No rain expected until Thursday at the earliest.

Ron bought two more soaker hoses today. We’re planning to place them plus two more in the rest of the gardens. Only way to go in conditions like this.

Ron put up two hornet traps here. I joined the new TruValue consumer club and got $5 off.

Ordered eye glasses, had a phone screen with the HR director at MBL. Stopped at Town Hall to see the archive staff but they weren’t in. Filled up the truck, it was down to the last 2+ gallons. Yikes.

Visited Candy, John and Scully. They are doing well. Candy drove me to Botello to help Ron who had locked his keys in the van. It was that sort of a day.