
The little boys were here two nights ago and most of yesterday, but the high point of their visit came at the very end, when I drove them around their neighborhood in the truck.
This was a consolatory gesture, since it was impossible to do any outdoor activity because of the rain, and we got the animal shelter too late for the visit I’d promised. Besides, I figured it was equivalent to a hay ride, without the hay, and that used to be permitted before the Association had to cancel for lack of funds.

We did two trips, the second because they had such a good time that they pleaded for another.
Another high point was Bob’s videos of hapless gypsy moth caterpillars escaping from the wheelbarrow, which was filled with water. His commentary was delightful and entertaining.
Bob motivated me to – finally – take my electric guitar out of its case, tune it and try it out. I’ve forgotten almost all the cords, and was ham-handed at best with those I did remember.
Bob enjoys tinkering with electronic instruments, especially a keyboard which his father left here. He does manage to come up with some decent sounds, even though he’s had no training.
James was terror-tot, arguing and whining about everything from going to bed to eating healthy food, and bothering his brother endlessly. He did create a comic book, which kept him busy for a while. I think he was antsy because he couldn’t go outside, and like most young lads, James really needs large muscle activity to burn off steam.
Today, I’m “supposed” to be at a Microsoft meeting in Waltham, for User Group leaders. I’m not going. It’s the first really nice day we’ve had in a long time, and voluntarily spending it indoors would be against my very nature.