Decisions, Decisions

Something happened yesterday, a consequence of a series of decisions going back many, many years, and if anything, it proves the point that no matter how hard we try, we are still at the mercy of fate and folly, either our own or that of others.
Let’s just say that for my part, I’m damned sorry I didn’t change our family name when my son was a minor and leave it at that.

I am happy with at least one trivial decision made yesterday that doesn’t affect anyone else: while I was stupid enough to have shown up in the first place, I did leave a room full of hard-eyed, over-dressed people who were trolling for IT workers, escaping before any real damage could be done.
You know all that confidential information that financial advisors tell you NEVER to share? Well, these people glowered at me when I told them, gee, I’m not sure giving you my Social Security number, date of birth, etc., is such a great idea. In retrospect, I’m not even sure it’s legal – a date of birth? Are they KIDDING?
From ghoulies and ghosties and “tough guy” HR people that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us.