Pretty Shady

I’ll never forget the morning
When Grandpa ate the awning
To impress a pretty lady
Who went for men who were shady.

Anatole of Paris, lyrics by Sylvia Fine

One of the shades in the second bedroom collapsed this week. It was too small for the window that I had replaced a couple of years ago and I’d been putting off getting a new one since then.

I picked up a shade and it turned out to be a fraction too wide. No fault of the store, we hadn’t measured it accurately enough.

Ron brought the shade to the local hardware store to trim.

Meanwhile, I realized that we had the wrong kind of brackets. The old shade had been mounted over the window, not good. So, I went to a third hardware store and got brackets that allow the shade to hang inside the window frame.

Turns out that after the shade was trimmed, it was too narrow. When I tried snapping it closed, the shade “jumped” off the brackets.

This foolish shade already cost us about $16, ridiculous, so I didn’t want to get another one. So, I cut and painted a piece of wood shim and nailed it behind one of the brackets and added a shade pull. I think the shade will work okay now.

We did the transfer station run. I fed the plants in the front gardens.

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  1. Pingback: Shade – No More

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