Gardener’s Diary

We’re in a weather pattern; over the last couple of days, we’ve received an inch of rain.

The seedlings in the new front garden have started. I planted lupine, tomato, oregano and basil yesterday from the wholesale nursery. Planted Bee Balm (Monarda) from the farm stand in Kingston as well.

I have my eye on some other possibilities like Joe Pye Weed.

A lady at Mahoney’s said this is the perfect time to plant because the soil temperature is optimal for root growth.

The “vegetable garden” now has tomatoes, lettuce, brussel sprouts, chives, basil, oregano, lemon balm, rosemary, sage, strawberries, nasturtiums, marigolds, tulips.

Looks like two of the three Shasta daisies didn’t make it.

Fluffles has lost a tremendous amount of weight; he’s now down to under 10 pounds.