Pre-New Year’s Thoughts, Part I

I’ve been sorting through old paperwork – not my favorite chore – and ran across an essay by Susan Polis Schutz on “People Who Achieve Their Dreams”.
The original is a tad sanctimonious (“They never have excuses for not doing something”) and more than a tad unrealistic (“They never consider the idea of failing”).
Even so, there are enough really good thoughts here that I’m copying a good portion of Ms. Schutz’s original, with some thoughts (in italics) of my own.

People Who Achieve Their Dreams
They have confidence in themselves
They have a very strong sense of purpose
They always try their hardest for perfection
They work extremely hard towards their goals
They know who they are
They understand their weaknesses as well as their strong points
They concentrate on what they can do rather than what they can’t
They manage their fear of failure
They know how to defend what they are doing
They learn from negative experiences
They are creative
They are open to new experiences and opportunities
They are not afraid to be a little different in finding innovative solutions that will enable them to achieve their dreams.
And, finally, this splendid piece of advice from Russell Crowe:
For anyone who’s on the downside of advantage and living on courage:
It’s possible.