Another Reason To Really Hate Florida

The macho men on the Miami Police Department have a new form of amusement: using 50,000 volt Taser guns on little kids, one as young as 6 years old.

Read about the latest antics of the noble, fearless super heroes of the Miami PD.
Boy, those citizens sure are lucky. They must all sleep better nights knowing that cops on the public payroll aren’t wasting their time with trivia, like rapes, robberies and murders.
Rather, I’d be proud that my tax dollars are spent on assault weapons, to be used against children. Especially since such weapons can be lethal if used against people who weigh less than 60 pounds.
Know what I think? I think the fine men of the Miami PD are C-O-W-A-R-D-S.
That’s right: COWARDS. They are afraid that their high performance cars, flack jackets, tear gas, pistols and rifles aren’t sufficient weaponry to confront adult criminals, so they choose – yes, I said CHOOSE – to feel like big shots by zapping … children.
With armed and dangerous morons like these on police departments, do you seriously wonder why some of us support the SECOND AMENDMENT?