Still Sick

Ron is still sick. He called his doctor’s office yesterday but they recommended only OTC remedies, which aren’t remedying much.

The boys and I took the big ferry to the Vineyard yesterday. We needed to make it a short trip, but there was still time to do a little souvenir shopping. They had lunch on the boat as well, then cake and/or ice cream here.

I took James to breakfast at IHOP in the morning. The plan, which didn’t work out exactly as anticipated, was for Ron and me to spend 1:1 time with each of them.

It turned into an expensive day, but the kids had fun and so did I.

James swept out the shed and it now looks great. With his earnings from yesterday, he already has $5.00 in his new bank!

I’m more than a little worried about Ron. His back is a disaster and he hasn’t been able to shake this GI bug. It will take some potent mind over matter for him to be ready to travel tomorrow, but I won’t be surprised if he manages it. I think he’s really looking forward to going back.

What does surprise me is that none of his priors seem to have an interest in at least touching base with him. I think he’s been moderately disappointed. Evidently these Janes* are not the people he imagined them to be back in the day.

Having other people around when he’s sick seems to irritate him. He’s happier reading, although he did seem to find 60 Minutes interesting last night, particularly the segment on the earthquake and tsunami in Northern Japan. I made an online contribution this morning earmarked for Japan to Relief International.

I have to buckle down today. Have already started laundry and really have to do some work, clean out Fluffles’ litter box and maybe do a transfer station run. Ugh.

*A “Jane” is a woman who acts in a low-rent manner, regardless of her actual social class, per my very classy late Aunt Margaret.