Disappointing Election, But We Got the Lawn Mowed

479 people decided “none of the above” in the selectperson race. Marie lost by a substantial margin, especially in Precinct 5, South Mashpee, which skews older than the town as a whole.

I mowed the front and left side and Ron did the back and the right side of the lawn Saturday afternoon. It was nice to see the results when I fetched the Sunday paper.

I did some more figuring on our 2020 taxes.

Consolidated paperwork for my REAL ID appointment today at AAA.

Teddy escaped yesterday. He seems determined to meet Gracie, the Ridgeback next door. Fortunately, the humans weren’t home.

I sprayed the roses yesterday afternoon. Knew that rain was predicted, but wanted to start the slaughter. We did have rain last night and early this morning, so I’ll probably need to spray again.

Ron took Teddy for his morning walk in light rain, both of which I appreciated greatly. Happy that the seeds and the new plant got free and effective watering.

I did a couple of grocery shops yesterday. Nice lunch on the deck, grilled veg burgers and salads.

Reconciled checkbooks this morning.