Food Prep, Teddy and Me

I made salad, tofu crumbles, hard boiled eggs and chocolate pudding yesterday, thus assuaging guilt over Moto pizza purchase the day before.

We watched the impeachment trial for most of the day. I did have a long phone conversation with Laney, ARL’s Animal Behavior Manager. Good info and I started to use her “look at me” technique.

Teddy and I have been out a couple of times already today. I enjoyed hanging out with him in the pen just before sunrise. Really like his pen with its bit of woodland character. It’s a quiet time of day and as long as there’s no wind, pleasant, even in the twenties.

We’ve done a couple of circuits around the block and have been practicing loose leash walking.

While Ron was shopping, I made a broccoli/cauliflower casserole with onion, garlic, a parm cheese white sauce and neufchatel. Ron was ravenous, went through three small servings of different entrees, peanut butter and crackers and a haagen dazs ice cream bar.

We are watching the last day of the House managers’ presentation to the Senate. The behavior of the Trumpist fools is a disgrace, but no doubt their constituents don’t care enough to rebuke them. There should be a process to disqualify them from voting on the outcome.