
We got a moderate snowfall yesterday, but the roads are icy and there’s just enough snow in the field to make it difficult, especially for an old person, to walk.

I did go out with Teddy this morning.

Ron was heroic yesterday: shoveled, carried Teddy up the cellar stairs* and took Teddy out for his last walk. Teddy was sundowning last night; Ron gave him an extra “tranq” around 9. It looks like 100 mg is just not enough.

*I brought an armload of Ron’s wet outerwear downstairs after he shoveled and as a result, left the door to the basement open. Teddy, intrepid one, came down the stairs. Of course, he wouldn’t go back up when asked. Poor Ron carried him by himself; the harness helped somewhat, but 46-47 pounds of deadweight up 13 steps is no small task.