Teddy Week: Snow, Bolted

We are having a measureable snowfall. Ron and I took Teddy out after supper, and he bolted for the Bakers. Bill was in the driveway, in his truck, and I was able to catch up to Teddy there.

Boy, can he run!

Ron took Teddy out for the last walk of the day. Poor things were covered in snow. Teddy balked at going up the front stairs.

I made cauliflower soup. Tried twice to get him closer to the van, but was not successful. Chow’s are notoriously difficult to train.

After a false start, Ron got Teddy a harness at Baer’s, and he’s finding it easier to walk him with it. He’s gone to a lot of trouble for the dog today. I’m just glad that he finished errands before the snow. Trying not to think about Peter and James driving in it.

We got some last-minute info from the shelter about pet insurance and our visit with the vet tomorrow.