Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank

The biggest shortcoming of “Dark Towers,” however, is that while it raises provocative questions about Deutsche Bank and Trump, it never quite answers them. Was it incompetence or corruption that caused American and European regulators to do nothing about the bank’s excessive leverage and mispricing of assets? Was Trump’s relationship with Justin Kennedy, head of Deutsche Bank’s real estate lending division, a factor in the decision of Kennedy’s father, Justice Anthony Kennedy, to retire from the Supreme Court and Trump’s decision to appoint one of his former clerks, Brett Kavanaugh, to replace him? Did Deutsche Bank help Russian oligarchs launder money through Trump’s projects? Why did the U.S. criminal investigation of the bank’s Russian money laundering suddenly go quiet after Trump’s election? https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/the-fall-of-deutsche-bank-lies-greed-money-laundering-and-donald-trump/2020/02/14/0ffd770a-30c3-11ea-a053-dc6d944ba776_story.html