So This Is Christmas

I made two quiches and cooked chocolate pudding today. Trying to get in the mood and failing.

We had pizza and prosecco last night. I overate, 3 pieces, after a late afternoon gorge on leftovers and a peanut butter sandwich.

Oatmeal for breakfast this morning.

Yesterday, we dropped off the lads’ Christmas gift cards and cleaned the front and back yards at Edgewater. We piled and raked all the leaves next to the shed. It was a heck of a lot of work, much more than I’d anticipated.

I’m going back and forth on the chimney. Have it repaired: it’s an asset but it could still be a liability. Take it down: lose a potential selling feature but be done with it.

Heard from Gail, Elaine and missed a couple of calls from Sandy G. in Australia.