A/Cs Out, PopUp Down

We, mostly Ron, took out the air conditioners. We, pretty much both of us, took down the popup, cleaned it up a bit and brought it in. It had overturned in the wind.

Aside from that, it was a quiet day. Extremely windy, incongruous with sunshine in the morning. Except for a couple of brief outages, we kept our power.

I enjoyed the first Cape Cod Times civility session last evening. Almost made it home before the rain. The only bad patch was finding the entrances to Winslow Farms.

I think I’ve got billing procedures squared away with the new insurance companies. One is automatic, the other two are not. Different logins for all three policies; oh, joy.

Made a really good soup yesterday – cauliflower and squash – and nut and lentil burgers today. A little crazy to grill outside with the wind, but it worked out.

Very pleased that the Dollar Tree proposal was withdrawn. Ron texted last evening while I was at the Times.

Worked some more on cleaning out that wound on my left hand ring finger. It feels somewhat better. We did a transfer station run yesterday to dump the detritus. I think we did a laundry as well.