Hot; Red Daylilies

This could be the hottest weekend of the Summer.

We did okay yesterday. Ron finally gave up on working outside, and I was in an air conditioned truck for a couple of hours, driving the lads to and from work.

Stopped to attend the open house for the big house on the ridge. They are asking for a ridiculous amount of money, more than double what a similar house next door sold for a couple of years ago.

After dropping James off today, I stopped by a fellow gardener’s home in Barnstable. Her yard is almost completely filled with daylilies, and I wanted to pick up some reds for Peter’s garden.

She sold me a gorgeous clump for much less than I’d pay at any nursery.

Being a Cape Cod gardener (good soil is precious), she gave them to me bare rooted, so I decided on the way back to swing by and plant them before the tenants get back.

Ron finished the laundry. We made the bed and put clothes away. I did some watering, mostly the potted plants but also tomatoes, and the Kousa and hibiscus transplants.

On my way to pick up James, I dropped off a tarp for the SPEA workers, who did a phenomenal job cleaning up the area around the bulletin board. James helped me get it in the truck. I watered the new daylilies again.

Veg burgers, homemade coleslaw and fresh corn for supper.