
We spent about 5-5 1/2 hours total at Edgewater this past Saturday and Sunday removing leaves from the front and back yards with rakes, a blower and tarps.

I finished up the front of our house this morning. Did some work in the back over the weekend.

I bought a load of sweets – candy, ice cream, cookies – and made the mistake of scarfing down a half of a chocolate bar, an ice cream sandwich, cookies, a piece of bread and some juice.  This was after eating lunch.  I got very, very sick.  What a fool!

Em got hired for a job in Redmond, which is about an hour commute from where she lives.

We did the usual yesterday: laundry, changed sheets, transfer station run. I did another run this morning with yard detritus.

Ron had a positive appointment with his doc and a good Fitness session.

I made a pot of quinoa and roasted both cauliflowers and made “steaks” with a coating of milk, flour, paprika, panko and 57 sauce.  Ron says it is tasty.  I hope to try it tomorrow.