Gardener’s Diary

Emme came over today and as before, was a big help getting things done.

She planted zinnia and “money plant” seeds, ground cover, arranged popsicle sticks to define the placement of new bulbs in the fall, and sprayed the roses.

I added a compost starter to break down the compost and turned it; sprayed the tomatoes; and put lime on the lilacs and clematis.

We went to Woods Hole to check out the Earth Day activities, visited Spohr Gardens and stopped by the West Falmouth library so we could see what their gardens look like in early Spring.

I attended an excellent lecture at Sandwich Agway in the morning and learned that the implement I’ve been calling a pitchfork is really one of the gardener’s best friends, a spading fork. It has shorter tines than a pitchfork and is used to loosen soil and turn compost.