Cliché Wars

For those who are sick of politics because they feel attacked for supporting Trump: his message should be resonating with a lot more people, but his personal style is antagonistic and bombastic, which turns many off.

Supporting Trump also gets tangled with excusing bad cops and advocating for military/industrial complex waste, and I daresay no one wants either.

I’m a registered Republican and like a lot of Trump’s ideas but think he comes across as amateurish, entitled and conceited: common for men his/my age (72).

Trump supporters have done a lousy job of explaining why they like him, claiming that he’s responsible for events beyond the control of a single individual, like unemployment or GNP statistics.

I get frustrated with Rush Limbaugh and other right-leaning personalities: his screeds are emotional and too often not based on fact. He, Anne Coulter, Laura Ingraham: bright, informed people who haven’t made the case for why their brand of conservatism is good for the people they claim to represent.

For example, I don’t see that tariffs are helping American farmers, even the wealthy agribusiness owners.

Trump is right to challenge “progressive” clichéd reactions to any and all conservative opinions, but name-calling and character assassination isn’t effective, for anyone.