Must Have Been A Tough Week

Ever have a week when you are beyond even walking-under-water tired?

Last week must have been, had to have been like that.
I decided to redo one of my gardens today, and to add some annuals to another. It took a little under 3 hours to get in 3 perennials and about 30 annuals, not a huge number all things considered.
Given, the conditions weren’t the greatest: today was cold and rainy, but I’ve worked in worse. Like two years ago, when I decided to transplant a Bachelor Button in the pouring rain, figuring that way I didn’t have to water it, ha. The fact that the plant didn’t drown – and, in fact, this year, it’s absolutely gorgeous – says more for the powers of Nature and the Almighty than it does for my skill as a gardener.
Anyhow, I finished up today around 5, and an hour or so later, fell into a deep sleep while watching CNN. I think a bomb could have gone off in the next room and I probably wouldn’t have heard it.
I _am_ coming off a bad case of the flu, followed by a minor cold that has been playing havoc with my sinuses.
Also, the User Group met this week, and it was especially taxing because two of my stalwarts were busy with other things, meaning triple the schlepping for the group leader, me.
In addition, I had to scramble to make arrangements for health insurance through my company, which meant finding a responsive Chamber of Commerce (the Cape Cod Chamber won, hands down), getting some paperwork from my accountant, and Priority Mailing the enrollment package to the broker today, five minutes before the post office closed for the week.
Work was a little more stressful than usual, and Friday afternoon, one of my coworkers asked if I was doing okay. It took a minute to “grok” why he was asking: there were two bugs, real as opposed to digital, flying around my monitor, and I was slamming the desk trying to squash them. He thought I was banging the desk in frustration over a different kind of bug fix. It was a good laugh when he realized what was going on.
I’m not sure what else went on this week except that it must have been a doozey. Maybe it was just as well that I didn’t do something really taxing today, like trying to buy clothes or shoes. I probably would have fallen asleep in the dressing room and got locked in for the night, a horrible fate, indeed.