Friday Five

Thanks again to Live Journal for reviving this entertaining meme:
1. If you were to have a scholarship created in your honor, what qualities would you look for in applicants (leadership, service, GPA, etc.)?
I would look for two things: evidence of strong intellectual discipline and curiosity – such as teaching oneself a new language or building/repairing a house without help – and proof of overcoming long odds – adoption, physical deformity, recovery from serious illness.
2. Who would be eligible to apply for your scholarship (members of a certain major, ethnic group, sexuality, etc.)?
Women over forty who have never been married and who wish to enter a profession that is predominantly male.
3. Would it be need-based or not? Why?
I think any middle-aged woman who’s never been married would a priori meet a needs test, so it wouldn’t be necessary to explicitly impose such a requirement.
4. What would you call it?
A Second Chance
5. If you made applicants write an essay, what would the topic be?
Instead of a written interview, I’d prefer a presentation on any scientific, technical, engineering, mathematical, historical or political topic.