Neemed ‘Em; Tree Work

Sprayed the roses – all of them – with Neem. Won’t help the branches already affected, hoping it will keep the rest healthy.

Tree work happened today at Edgewater. Unfortunately, a hydraulic fuel line broke, and there’s a good possibility we may lose part of the lawn. Based on advice from Tom and Keith, I held back $100 to cover the work. Hope it’s not more than that.

I did a volunteer stint at Highfield: weeding and transplanting. Did some extracurricular work in the Allium bed: remove a couple of huge weeds and lots of detritus.

Planted a card and a paper embedded with seeds in our gardens.

Ron mowed front and back lawns. He was cranky most of the afternoon; among other things, he was angry that I asked the tree people to haul away the cherry. We were able to stop them before they felled the trunk, though, and they were nice enough to cut it up in modest lengths for us. I called Emma; she said she’d be glad to have it.

Ribs, jasmine rice and brussel sprouts for dinner.