Hypocrisy and the Women’s Marches

Erosion of reproductive rights, which was a major concern of yesterday’s women’s marches, is not a problem for ugly women. It’s a fear which is easily resolved, but in doing so, comes with consequences.

Women who are not “glamorous” or “beautiful” don’t have to worry about unplanned pregnancies, but on the other hand, they will not be able to find a job to support themselves or if they are hired, will be bullied mercilessly and paid less than they are worth.

I suspect that if you were to total the cost of all of the cosmetics of all of the women in yesterday’s first world rallies*, you’d have more money than the combined GDP of the poorest third of the world’s nations.

In other words, money that could have been used to build housing, schools, water treatment facilities and sewers for the most needy people on earth was spent on makeup, hair coloring, etc.

I don’t fault Donald Trump for his so-called sexist attitudes. He’s just being honest. And I call “hypocrite” on anyone who labels themselves a “progressive” and who isn’t as angry as I am about this.

*Approximately $350 billion was spent worldwide on cosmetics in 2015; the total GDP for the poorest 69 countries in the world was $340 billion in 2016.