Sex Ed and Kindergarten

It must be that very few pundits in the left-leaning MSM have actually read the text of SB0099, the Illinois General Assembly bill supported by Barack Obama which intended to amend the state’s sex education curriculum.
I say this because having read the bill, I think that anyone who claims that McCain “lied” is flat-out wrong.

The bill lowers the age at which sex ed is taught from Grade 6 to Kindergarten. It talks about “comprehensive” sex education. Among other things, it mandates instruction on HIV prevention. It does not restrict specific subject matter by age, only stating that “course material and instruction shall be age and developmentally appropriate”. It does not, for example and as implied by the Obama campaign, restrict subject matter for very young children to “inappropriate touching”.
Evidently the language was kept deliberately vague to give educators the ability to tailor the curriculum in accordance to local community standards. As explained by Ken Swanson, the head of the Illinois Education Association, “What might be appropriate in an urban inner city might not be appropriate in a rural community. I don